Social Media PPC

Stay Visible on Social Media with Engaging Ads

Whether we’re talking about Facebook, Instagram, or some other new platform, social media is now the most effective way to reach the most people in the fastest and most cost-effective manner. It’s not surprising that everything has a social media component.

Through social media PPC, you can select your desired audience and drive sales and generate more leads to your business.

Why Choose Cybertegic?

By targeting the right groups of people and optimizing your ads, you can make the most out of this cost-effective advertising platform. More than just running a PPC campaign, we also perform competitor analysis, landing page audits, and recommendations to make sure that your page spells PPC success. Our holistic approach to social media PPC has resulted in the proven success of our clients.



Sidney Imports

Established since 1990, Sidney Imports is one of the largest sterling silver jewelry wholesalers in the United States. The offer over 15,000 jewelry designs to a wide range of customers. Through Cybertegic’s Facebook PPC Services, Sidney Imports saw an increase in their Facebook followers, website traffic, and overall sales.


With a wide range of customers, Sidney wanted to increase maintain their reputation and to build that towards new potential customers through Facebook


Cybertegic went on to create ads that focus on the brand’s core strengths, target audience and demographics. Promotions were properly optimized to improve interaction with the followers and stimulate attention and sales.


Since 2017, we were able to increase Sidney Imports likes by 670% and lower their CPC top of it all. We were able to show an increase in sales and traffic coming from Facebook PPC campaigns.