10 Reasons Why Content Needs Engaging Visuals

10 Reasons Why Content Needs Engaging Visuals
Photo Source: www.pexels.com

Content remains king. From social media posts to blog articles, content drives engagement and interest in your brand. Publishing great content is not enough to capture your audience’s attention. In fact, studies show that people retain only 10% of information that is presented to them orally or in writing. This is where visuals come in. Visuals such as images, videos, infographics, and GIFs are essential to creating engaging content. For today’s article, we will discuss ten reasons content needs engaging visuals:

1 – Visuals attract attention.

One of the primary reasons why visuals are essential in content is that they attract attention. When scrolling through social media or browsing a website, what catches your eye first? It is likely an image or video that stands out. According to a study by Skyword, content with relevant images gets 94% more views. Visuals create a visual break in the text and grab readers’ attention in seconds. With the right visuals, you can increase the chances that your audience will stop scrolling and engage with your content.

2 – They make content memorable.

Visuals are an effective way to make your content memorable. According to research, visuals help people remember information better than plain text. When you combine visuals with text, people are more likely to remember the information presented. In fact, people are 65% more likely to remember information when it is paired with a relevant image. By adding visuals to your content, you can make it more memorable, which can increase engagement and build brand recognition.

3 – Engaging visuals evoke emotion.

Visuals have the power to evoke emotions, which can help to build a connection with your audience. Whether a funny meme or a heartwarming image, visuals can evoke emotions that resonate with your audience. When people feel emotionally connected to your brand, they are more likely to engage with your content and share it with others. Incorporating visuals that evoke emotions can create a stronger connection with your audience and build brand loyalty.

4 – They simplify complex information.

Sometimes, explaining complex information can be a challenge. However, visuals can simplify complex information and make it easier to understand. For example, infographics provide an effective way to present complex information in an appealing way. Using visuals to simplify complex information can increase engagement and make it easier for your audience to understand the message you are trying to convey.

5 – Visuals increase social media engagement.

Visuals are essential for social media engagement. In fact, social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are primarily visual-based. When you share visuals on social media, it can increase engagement and reach. According to Social Media Examiner, visual content gets 40 times more shares on social media than other types of content. You can increase engagement and reach a wider audience by creating engaging visuals for your social media posts.

6 – They improve website user experience.

Visuals can also improve the user experience of your website. Incorporating visuals on your website can make it more visually appealing and easier to navigate. They can break up text blocks, making scanning content easier and creating a more engaging experience for the user. Visuals also help increase engagement, reduce bounce rates, and improve website performance.

7 – Engaging visuals increases conversions.

Visuals can increase conversions. When you add visuals to your content, it can make it more engaging, memorable, and emotional, which can lead to more conversions. According to research by Hubspot, adding a relevant image to a blog post can increase the number of social media.

8 – They increase understanding for non-native speakers.

If your target audience includes non-native speakers, visuals can be particularly effective in increasing understanding. Visuals can help to overcome language barriers and make your content more accessible. For example, a graphic or video demonstrating a complex process can be more helpful to someone who is not fluent in the language than a written explanation. Using visuals to increase understanding can expand your audience and make your content more inclusive.

9 – They showcase your brand personality.

Visuals can be used to showcase your brand personality and differentiate yourself from competitors. By using consistent visual branding across all your content, you can build recognition and trust with your audience. Visuals such as colors, typography, and imagery can convey a brand personality that resonates with your target audience. You can create a unique and memorable brand identity by incorporating visuals that align with your brand personality.

10 – Engaging visuals add variety to the content.

Lastly, visuals can add variety to your content. While text-based content is important, incorporating visuals can make your content more engaging and dynamic. Variety in your content keeps your audience interested and helps to break up the monotony of long paragraphs of text. Incorporate different types of visuals, such as images, videos, and GIFs, to create a more interesting and engaging experience for your audience.


Need help optimizing your content for your brand and website? Cybertegic is a local digital marketing agency in Los Angeles that can help you with your website optimization and content marketing. For inquiries, you can schedule a free business consultation with us.