20 Facebook Business Tips

Facebook has over 600,000,000 users and is considered the most frequented website in the United States, exceeding Google in comparison of traffic.

Whether your business is one employee or thousands, if it’s not on Facebook, you’re missing out. Businesses and internet marketers are beginning to realize the incredible potential that social media has for businesses and below are 20 tips for you.

1. Complete Your Profile.

Building a complete and informative Facebook profile builds trust with users and shows that you have your act together.

2. Power of Goal Setting

Don’t set unrealistic goals that will only lead to disappointment. Expecting thousands of fans in the first week is more than likely unattainable. Set an attainable goal and make progress toward it daily. Then when you get that unexpected boost you’ll be even more excited.

3. Make Time

Social media efforts don’t grow by themselves. However, Facebook doesn’t have to be a full-time job either. Depending on the size of your social media campaign, try setting aside an hour or more of time to update, post, and keep connected with your fans.

4. Learn Facebook

Get familiar with Facebook. Don’t let it intimidate you. If you don’t know how something works, look up information, read blogs, or even talk to experts. Learning certain tips and tactics can greatly help your social media efforts.

5. Do it Correctly the First Time

If you want to knock your social media campaign out of the park at an affordable price, consider hiring an expert. Nothing can be more frustrating than messing up over and over again and having to back track.

6.Be Sure to Create a Call to Action

An effective Facebook page has to have an attention grabbing call to action button. This will encourage users to click your “Like” button and become a fan. If you want a good template check out Redbull’s page.

7. Create a Business Page, Not Profile

Only create a business page on Facebook. Creating a profile in addition is against Facebook’s rules and it can be confusing for users.

8. Relationship Building

Be sure to send thank-you’s and other messages when users “Like” your page or post on your wall. This helps to build a brand belongingness and get users involved. If you are able, post within 24 hours of users messages, posts, and “Like”s.

9. Time Investment Management

Start off small and slowly build your social media up. Don’t spend all your advertising efforts in social media and neglect everything else. The temptation is to instantly buy advertising but this can lead to overspending. Instead spend time building relationships with your customers. This is a long-term strategy.

10. Do Coupons and Promotions

This seems simple, but it is and has often been an effective way to get first time customers and help in producing returning customers. Put items on sale or make fun interactive promotions such as video/picture contests of customers using your products.

11. Encourage Check-ins

Checking in on Facebook counts everywhere your business operates. So check in even if your at a home office so that your company’s name is listed in people’s feeds. This just creates extra attention and possibilities of others seeing your company.

12. Network Expansion

Find any and all of your friends through searching on Facebook’s “Find Friends” feature. Also, import friends from contact lists from networks such as Linkedin.

13. Create a Group

Consider using Facebook’s new Groups product to create groups for people. This can allow you to add and sort friends to increase communication efficiency.

14. Facebook Ads are Powerful

Facebook PPC Ads are extremely targeted and can drive lots of traffic to your Facebook page. You can segment your target audience through age, marital status, gender, income, and even interests such as jewelry or snowboarding etc.

15. Update Facebook and Twitter at the Same Time

Kill two birds with one stone. Update Facebook and Twitter at the same time to save… well time and so both are current.

16.Post Interesting Status Updates

Intriguing and unique updates are much more interesting than the typical boring ones. Be creative! Step out of the box and get users involved through asking questions and posting witty status updates.

17. Add Video’s to Your Page

If you have a YouTube, integrate it with your Facebook page. Try Involver. If you don’t start posting videos or find a way to get users to post videos through promotions.

18. Add Facebook to Your Website

Add the “Like” button to your page and have link on your website that takes users directly to your Facebook page. This will allow visitors to easily join your community and share it with friends.

19. Promote your Facebook Page

Spread the word about your Facebook page via Twitter or Linkedin if you have the opportunity.

20. Use Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a powerful analytics dashboard that is built into every Facebook page.

Jason Coon