3 New Ways to Market Your Blog

It is hard to market your blog when you do not have leverage and the time to run a SEO campaign. We suggest coming up with something fun before the blog launches to build up excitement for the launch, during the launch to build up excitement for the upcoming blog, and after the launch to maintain your fan base. Here are three ways to market your blog through social media.

1. Twitter Parties
The way the party works is users tweet with a specified hashtag (#), denoted in advance, for the party. We recommend creating a contest where you can give out prizes and suggesting users to use Tweetdeck or Tweetgrid for an easier way to follow to the Twitter party. The benefits of sponsoring a Twitter party are igniting discussions around your brand, generating thousands tweets in under two hours, and better acquainting yourself with your potential customers. It is usually held in the evening and typically last for 1-2 hours.

2. Facebook Photo Contest Giveaway
Facebook can be difficult to use as a social media tool because it a little harder to build a relationship with a stranger. A solution is having a photo contest where you would ask people to submit pictures that relate to your company and the winner will be decided on the most “likes.” Some people had had photo contests offering a grand prize like an iPad, but they ended up with bunch of people that was uninterested about the company and that only cared about winning the prize. Rather than a grand prize, we suggest offering a prize that fits in line with your business. A Facebook photo contest giveaway include encourages your fans to convince their friends to join in; this creates more interests around your brand.

3. Offer Your Superpower in Exchange for some Promotion
This is an old technique but social media has made this into a powerful tool. You can offer your copy writing skills or fame to help another blogger to expand his/her audience and in return your blog is promoted. We do not suggest anything long term, but a guest post or a review on someone’s product will do. You can also make this into a contest; the best comment will receive a guest post on their page. The benefits of this method is establishing a stronger trust between your current audiences and attracting more followers.

These ways are great before the launch but after the launch it becomes less effective. Maintaining different internet marketing strategies will give you a solid foundation on marketing your blog.

-Helen Leao