4 Simples Ways to get Customer Feedback Online

Successful business owners understand the need to get customer feedback. Understanding what your customers think about your products and services can not only help you improve quality, but can also give you insights into what new products and services your customers want so you can diversify your product and service. Here are four easy ways to get customer feedback as part of your business.

1. Conduct an Online Survey
A popular tool for online survey is SurveyMonkey, a low cost web-based solution. Conducting a survey before your company makes a critical change can help you decide to either push your change further, make slight changes, or no changes at all. Once you’ve developed your survey, the next step in getting your customers to take it. Many companies provide incentives for survey participation. Surveys can be linked through email, your regular newsletter, or your social media accounts.

2. Create an Online Customer Community
Online customer community is a great tool to receive a steady stream of feedback. A popular platform for creating customer communities is Get Satisfaction that provides Q&A, peer-to-peer problem solving, and feedback. This allows companies to deal with any bugs in a company’s product or incorporate any suggestions on company’s improvements.

3. Use a Hosted Feedback Forum
UserVoice, one of the few platforms that hosts forums that allow customers to submit and vote on ideas for the company. It can also be used to communicate with users when the ideas they’ve voted for are acted upon. This platform shows customers that you care while collecting great insights for improving your product.

4. Ask for Feedback on Facebook and Twitter
If you want quick opinions from your customers then we suggest posting a question or poll on your Facebook Wall or via Twitter. This can be used to decide on new branding, products, or even new store locations. While conducting the poll, this also hype your customers for the upcoming product or changes.

 Your pool of customers are constantly changing its taste; what is in right not can be outdated in the future. This is why keeping yourself and your company up-to-date can dramatically help your internet marketing campaign success.

Helen Leao
