7 Digital Marketing Trends You Shouldn’t Ignore in 2021

For businesses to survive in the world of online marketing, marketing professionals should adapt to the latest digital marketing trends. These trends became popular because this is what online users are actually looking for. Below are the seven digital marketing trends 2021 that digital marketers should not ignore, as summarized by Cybertegic, a digital marketing company in Los Angeles. Check them out and determine which one you can apply to your current digital marketing campaign:

7 Digital Marketing Trends in 2021

Multi-channel Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. But you don’t need to burn a hole in your pockets by collaborating with big-time influencers. Small businesses can work with micro and nano influencers with less than 25 thousand followers. Collaborating with these micro-influencers can help improve your engagement rates, which can offer excellent results.

User-Generated Content

User-generated content has been proven by experts to outperform branded content or business-created content. In fact, user-generated content used in ads gets a 400% higher click-through rate compared to regular ads. The reason behind this is because online shoppers are likely to trust the word or recommendation of other online consumers as well.

Brand Accountability

Brand accountability is an important part of your digital marketing campaign — you need to let your shoppers know what core values your brand represents. Doing this makes your brand more remarkable than other online businesses. Brands that show transparency grew twice faster compared to other brands.

Video Content

Videos are a powerful form of content that you can use on the internet. In fact, social media posts with videos get more than 80% traffic compared to posts without videos. A whopping 91% of marketers also stated that they are satisfied with the ROI of video marketing on their social media pages. In addition, 85% of marketers say that video is an effective way to get leads online.

Internet Privacy and Data Security

Consumers are now concerned about how other websites use their information. According to reports, 79% of consumers believe that online companies knew too much about them. This is why websites should now ask their online visitors if they are willing to accept cookies or not, so customers should choose whether to share their internet information or not.

Hyper Automation

About 68% of marketers believe that automation technology will positively impact their marketing strategy, as hyper automation makes it easier for companies to execute their marketing campaigns. For example, email marketing automation makes it faster for businesses to send their emails depending on their purchase step or geographic location.

Online Video Event Streaming

Because of the stay-at-home and social distancing protocols, live streaming has become an alternative option that allows brands to do their events and interact with their customers. The time spent on live streaming has grown from 3.89 billion hours in 2019 to 7.46 billion hours in 2020. Streaming will keep on growing, especially in technological-related industries.