7 Tips to Optimize a Landing Page

7 Tips in Optimizing a Landing Page

Building your website’s landing page can make or break your online business, so it is crucial to optimize your landing page properly. An optimized landing page has a higher chance of ranking on top of Google’s search results, bringing in more website traffic, leads, and conversions.

Here are seven tips on how to optimize a landing page and get more conversions from the trusted digital marketing agency in Pasadena:

  1. Create an SEO-friendly URL.
  2. Use an optimized title.
  3. Add visual elements.
  4. Create links to authority websites.
  5. Insert your target keyword in the first 100 words.
  6. Add an image file name and alt tags.
  7. Optimize for mobile.

1 – Create an SEO-friendly URL.

The first thing Google reads in your website is its URL, so you must use a custom URL that is SEO-friendly when creating a landing page. An SEO-friendly URL should be short and have the targeted keywords relevant to your page. According to the digital marketing experts, the first to three words in the URL gives more weight. So when adding your keywords, make sure that it is included in the first three words after the main URL.

2 – Use an optimized title.

Google’s search results page is designed to only display the first 50-60 characters of your landing page’s title tag. Keep your title tag under 55 characters and must include your focus keywords. And more importantly, the title of the page should have an H1 tag.

3 – Add visual elements.

Humans are visual creatures. Images and videos simulate the brain, which helps with brand retention. By adding visual elements to your page, you can significantly reduce its bounce rate. People are likely to stay on a page when checking out an image or watching a video.

Google loves websites with outbound links, so link out to authority websites relevant to your page. These links can help Google figure out what your page is about and prove that your page includes quality info.

5 – Insert your target keyword in the first 100 words.

According to Moz, the target keyword should be inserted in the first 100 to 150 words when creating content for your landing page. This applies to the content of your landing page and when creating articles for link building. Also, use related keywords, so you don’t spam your content.

6 – Add an image file name and alt tags.

Did you know that Google also crawls the file name and alt tags of the images included in your content? Rename the photos into something relevant and related to your content. Also, don’t leave the Alt Image Text or Alt Tags blank. According to Gawker Media, search traffic can increase by 24% by simply optimizing the images on your article.

7 – Optimize for mobile.

Most online users now turn to their mobile phones when searching online. So make sure that your website is optimized for mobile users, which means the web design is mobile responsive and user-friendly. Also, pay attention to the loading speed of your website. Google recommends that a website’s loading speed be at least three seconds. Visitors will most likely leave the page if your loading speed is more than that.