8 Easy Tips to Improve Your Website Speed

Focus on building your mobile-friendly website
Photo Source: www.Pexels.com

Speed is a crucial factor in your website’s success. In fact, 47% of online buyers expect an e-commerce website to load in two seconds or less; if not, they admit that they are less likely to buy from it. This only proves how important your page’s loading speed in getting traffic, sales, and conversion. That is why you must check your website’s loading speed and make sure that it can load on a browser in less than three seconds.

Here are eight easy tips on how you can improve your website speed:

  • Enable the browsing cache.

Enabling the browsing cache will allow you to temporarily store some data on your visitor’s computer. Upon revisiting your website, the visitor won’t have to wait for your website to load again.

  • Optimize your images.

When optimizing the images on your website, you have to focus on its scale, size, format, and src attribute. Also, take some time to resize and compress images that you upload to your site. The bigger the pictures you upload, the slower the images load on your visitor’s browser.

  • Enable file compression.

File compression can reduce the bandwidth of your web pages, thus reducing the HTTP response. This also allows your web server to provide smaller file sizes, which can load faster for your website visitors.

  • Reduce your server response time.

Google always recommends webmasters to keep their server response time under 200 milliseconds. One quick way to reduce your website’s server response time is by improving the quality and scope of your web hosting.

  • Delete any unnecessary plugins.

Sometimes, activating too many plugins can affect your website performance, which then causes security issues and then makes your website slower and sluggish. One recommended tip is to review the plugins on your website at least once a month and delete any plugins you’re no longer using.

  • Reduce any HTTP requests.

HTTP requests refer to web requests that are sent to the server whenever someone visits your website. Reducing the number of components can reduce the number of HTTP requests required to render the page. This is one of the best moves to make your pages load faster.

  • Optimize CSS delivery.

CSS delivery refers to the action in which the CSS is used to render a webpage. You can use an external sheet if you want to reduce the size of your code and then create fewer code duplications.

  • Reduce URL redirects.

Last but not least, use URL redirects wisely and sparingly because they can increase the number of HTTP requests. By doing so, you can significantly increase the load time of your website.


By following these tips, you can help reduce your website’s loading speed and important landing pages. If you need any help in improving your website design, feel free to talk to one of our experts at Cybertegic, the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles.