An Internet Marketing Expert’s Guide to E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is perhaps the most personal type of Internet marketing. Your Internet marketing expert should know that this is a rather delicate type of online marketing to pursue, given the notoriety of spam messages. However, if you can successfully win over your potential clients with e-mail, it will go a long way to help your business.

E-mail marketing is free and simple but there are certain guidelines you need to take into consideration before clicking on the “send button”. So whether you are your own Internet marketing expert or you are paying for the services of a professional, here are some helpful tips before going on an e-mail marketing campaign.

1. Do not just send it to anyone. Build a mailing list. You can start off by listing your existing customers and if you have a Facebook page, include your “fans” or friends. Sending it to complete strangers with no prior knowledge of your product or service is a major turn-off and may get you tagged as a spammer.

2. Ask permission. Like we said earlier, e-mail is personal and sending unsolicited messages may feel like a personal offense to your target market. The first e-mail is crucial and you or your Internet marketing expert should make sure that it will not lose your customers’ goodwill. How do you ensure this? Ask for their permission. Give them value for their time and for the space you are occupying in their inbox. For example, offer a coupon or a one-time discount for customers who will agree to receive your regular e-mail messages. You can also offer them valuable information related to your business through a white paper or a newsletter.

3. Be persistent and consistent. One of the common pitfalls of Internet marketing experts who use e-mail as a marketing tool is the failure to sustain a campaign. After successfully penetrating your target mailing list, make sure to deliver on your promises and keep it going. Just because your customers have agreed to receive your e-mail does not mean that they will continue to do so if your e-mail content becomes irrelevant to them. One way to keep the ball rolling is to tell them a story. Give them useful tips and information, but do not send it all out at once so your recipients will come to anticipate your e-mail messages.

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