5 Basic SEO Strategies You Should Keep in 2019

Photo Source: www.pexels.com

We all know that the world of digital marketing continues to evolve and change throughout the years. A best internet marketing consultants knows that new trends emerge from time to time, and you need to keep up with these updates if you want to rank on SERPs.

But aside from that, it’s also important to keep working and improving your basic SEO strategies. That’s why for today, we listed down 5 basic SEO strategies and tips that you should keep in 2019.

Always choose the right keywords.

Choose The Right Keyword
Photo Source: AdvanceWebRanking.com

The best internet marketing consultants know that choosing the right keywords for your website is the key to success. You should know which keywords your target market is using to find the product you are selling. To do this, you can use specific tools like Google Adwords Keyword Tool to search the keywords you have in mind and check their search volume. This way, you will be able to determine which keywords to use.

Keep creating engaging content.

Quality Content
Image source: Justin Tadlock

Content is still king. It remains as the best way for search engines to acknowledge your website and rank up your keywords. But content has also evolved. These days, it’s not enough to create blog posts, you need to use other forms of content to engage and attract people’s attention. Such content includes videos and infographics. Video marketing alone has become a big hit in previous years and will continue as a digital marketing trend for the next years to come.

Update your website’s OSO.

Searching Engine Optimization Update

OSO or on-site optimization will still play a vital role in 2019. OSO, as we know it, refers to the meta contents of your website including meta title, meta descriptions, meta tags, H1, and H2. All these serve as a signal of relevance for Google to know what your website is about. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your web site’s metadata.

Link-building still helps.

Link Building 101

As Google puts it and the best internet marketing consultants aggreed that if the content is king then link-building is its queen. But unlike before, Google now pays attention to websites with quality backlinks. It doesn’t matter now if your site has the most number of content, what’s important is if your backlinks actually come from trusted websites. Another thing that also makes link building effective is if it comes from quality content. Aside from that, you can also contact popular blogs related to your niche to submit guest posts to get backlinks for your website.

Connect with your customers

Connect with Customers Always

Before, the only way you can connect to your customers is by sending them an email regarding new products or discounts. Now, you can do this via social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Social media channels help businesses create a personal connection with your customers, which significantly aids in turning them into loyal customers. And the best thing about social media is that it also allows you to extend your reach and connect with potential customers by posting engaging content or videos related to your product.