Blogger Revamp Preview

Google has announced its intent to revamp Blogger, its 11-year-old blog publishing service it acquired in 2003.

Blogger is currently considered one of the 10 largest websites in the world, surpassing competitors such as, Tumblr and Posterous. The problem is, bigger doesn’t always necessarily mean better. These other platforms have received most of the glory over the years for their layout and features that Blogger lacks.

Google’s blog publishing site is going to fight that common view. The company recently boasted about some of its impressive stats and new features that bloggers will be benefit from. Google flaunts its 400+ million active readers around the globe. Some more interesting stats include: Blogger has had more than 500 million blog posts published on its site, amounting to over 500 billion words. Google then compared this to 5 million novels worth of content in a recent promotional video.

Now to the good stuff. Google gave a preview of what appears to be a total redesign of Blogger’s user interface. It has been described as “cleaner and more modern,” and is rumored to have “new publishing features, an updated mobile interface, and ‘smarter content discovery.'”

Below are released screenshots. For now, there is no set date for the release of the new update, but it should occur soon if Google is already showing it off. Most Blogger users will agree that a revamp has been greatly needed for a long time. The time has come, hold on!

Jason Coon
