Coming Soon: A New Tool That Can Track Impact Of Social Media Networking

Coming very soon: a new social sharing platform that includes an analytics tool for conversion tracking.

According to an Internet Retailer report by Stefany Moore, this new platform is called It is developed by Jon West, the same man behind social commerce platform 3tailer. allows retailers to customize a product page widget to track whichever sharing tools they prefer, from Facebook’s famous Like button, Twitter’s tweets, to Google’s +1, and even e-mails In addition to being able to track the frequency a product is shared and the sharing methods, also allows retailers to track the sales performance impact of product sharing. West notes that this new platform will allow e-commerce merchants to see which social media marketing tool is driving more revenue.

Moore’s article also explains how this process works. For example, if a shopper purchases a product on a site and clicks on the Tweet button to share with friends on Twitter, the URL to that product page will be automatically shortened to fit within Twitter’s 140-character limit using the URL shortener . West further notes that this URL shortener “will work better for online retailers” because Twitter users will recognize the link as a product of an e-commerce site. Meanwhile, a piece of code on the retailer’s checkout page will monitor the sales that originate from the AddShopper links so retailers know which social-sharing tool led to that sale. The social sharing platform also allows e-retailers to pinpoint the customer who shares most often and thus has the highest impact on sales. West adds that this could be a helpful tool to improve customer service programs for loyal clients.

E-commerce merchants who sign up for the beta testing phase before October 1 can experience the benefits of this new tool within one month. West’s own online company,, will implement the feature in a beta test in the coming weeks.

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