Facebook Faces Competition As Google Launches Own Social Network

The social media battle is on. Leading social networking site, Facebook, is about to face competition–and not just any competition–Google, the top search engine, launches its own social network. According to an Internet Retailer report by Zak Stambor, Google Inc. recently unveiled Google+, which is a social networking service similar to Facebook. It allows consumers to post status updates, share photos and post links. However, a key difference of Google+ is that it focuses only on sharing with a select group of people.

Google+ lets a consumer organize connections through what it calls Circles. For example, a consumer can share a post with his college buddies but not to his family. Likewise, a consumer can also post a link to an inspirational website to his family without doing the same to his acquaintances. Google’s social networking service also allows for video chatting and text messaging.

The article further noted that Google+ “aims to leverage the interests that consumers share on social networks via Sparks.” Sparks is an online sharing engine built into Google+. According to Vic Gundotra who is Google’s Senior Vice President for Engineering, Sparks delivers a feed of “highly contagious” content from all over the Internet on practically any topic and in more than 40 languages. This means that when a consumer adds their interests on Google+, they will be offered a gamut of choices from which they can watch, read and share with their chosen circle of friends. The article also notes that this can also open up opportunities for social media marketing.

Recognizing the growing significance of mobile usage, Google also launched an Android app and soon plans to release an iPhone app. This will enable Google+ users to share their locations every time they post a status update. At present, Google’s social networking site is still in beta stage and is available only to a select group of users.

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