Facebook SEO for Local Businesses

By now, you already know that Facebook is not just a simple social networking site anymore. The biggest social networking site has grown to become a tool the SEO experts use not only for search engine optimization purposes but to conduct social media marketing campaigns as well. Local businesses are not exempt in using Facebook for SEO because Facebook offers many tools and tactics that small businesses can use to boost their leads.

To make it easier to understand, Facebook SEO is an important factor to boost one’s rankings in external search engines as well as within Facebook’s internal search engine but it doesn’t always work vice versa. To boost your SEO efforts in Facebook, as many users now use the social media’s site to look for local listings, here are some strategies you can do:

1.       The first thing you can do to boost SEO leads via Facebook is to make sure that your business is listed in the right category. This will help you target the right customers and will make Facebook’s search engine crawlers find your business which will then show up in a user’s SERP.

2.       Just because you are doing SEO on Facebook doesn’t mean you should not optimize posts and status updates. Take advantage of every possible content by optimizing it with targeted keywords. Your posts and updates, if optimized with keywords, will appear when users search for these keywords.

3.       A vanity URL can produce SEO wonders. Customizing your Facebook page’s URL will boost both internal and external SEO through the social media site. As long as you have 25 fans, you are good to go.

4.       Geo-modifiers are important for doing SEO, especially for local businesses. This is because doing geo-specific SEO will make your business easier to find. Location-specific keywords should be incorporated in your URL, local business description, and business name.

An SEO-friendly Facebook page, when done correctly, can greatly boost local SEO leads. Additionally, Facebook can bring you big business as long as you have a consistent and proactive approach.



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