Getting Past Google Panda: Developing SEO Content (Part I)

Creating content is a challenge for writers, small businesses, and even internet marketing services companies. This is because producing good content that readers would value is difficult. No one really knows where to start. Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media provides helpful ideas on “Panda-proofing” SEO content.

Content is King.

When developing content, Barone suggests the following ideas to get you started with your SEO content.

1. Keyphrase research – This basically focuses on the the readers and what they want or expect to learn from your site. To start with developing content that centers around a keyphrase, put yourself in the shoes of your readers. For instance, writing for an SEO blog means having an audience that consist mainly of small businesses and internet marketing practitioners who want to boost their online sales or hone their craft. As a small or local business, what would this audience segment want to read?

2. Customer question – Also involving research, find out what customers often ask about a certain product or service. This can be started by researching on FAQs often found on websites. By answering questions and potentially solving problems, readers will make your blog a go-to site for their most important queries.

3. Sales funnel – Produce SEO content that will lead to the post eventually talking about a product or service your website offers. This will help inform readers of the different services or products available as well as other pertinent information such as benefits, advantages, troubleshooting, and even correct usage.

4. Stories – Products have their own histories and stories. Little do you know that customers are interested in these kinds of information as well. From a consumer’s point-of-view, the story behind a product’s creation will also add to its marketing value especially if the consumers can relate to it.

With many small and big businesses recognizing the importance of SEO content but not knowing how to implement it, there’s an entire market out there that needs to be educated when it comes producing content for search engine optimization. As part of any internet marketing campaign, content is the core of many SEO strategies.


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