Google Ads App Gets 3 New Features

google ads app update
Photo Source: No Agency Cube

Google released the new version of the Google Ads app for iOS and Android devices. The latest version is bringing new features to the app that has similar functionalities to its desktop counterpart. The goal of this update is to help your business stay on top of the holiday demand. 

Here are three of the new features of the Google Ads app:

Google Ads App 3 New Features

  1. Performance Insights
  2. Search Trends
  3. Campaign Creation

1 – Performance Insights

Google Ads app now features Performance Insights. This provides users with a real-time notification if a significant change happens to one of your campaigns. It also includes an explanation that describes why the change has occurred. It may also include recommendations that can help you resolve the underlying issue.

This feature will also provide explanations based on the changes you made to your bid and budget strategies. It will also feature shifts in search interest. Users will see insights for positive changes in performance to better understand what worked in their campaign and apply it in the future.

2 – Search Trends

Search trends are also now added to Google Ads app. This will help users to keep up with consumer demand. By using this feature, you will know the rising trend that your target audience searches on Google. Use this to your advantage to create new campaigns for these upcoming and trending products.

Once you tap into the Search trend, users will see the popular searches related to the trend. From time to time, Google may also give recommendations to help you make sure that your account is optimized for these rising trends. Users can even create a custom notification that will alert you when new search trends are relevant to your business.

3 – Campaign Creation

Users can now create a Search campaign directly in your Google Ads app. All you need to do is tap the “plus” button located at the bottom right of the screen. You will select your campaign type and set where you like your ads to appear.

Retailers can create a campaign quickly if they see an increase in demand for a relevant product. Once your new campaign is running, you can monitor it and optimize its performance inside the app.


If you need help with starting your Google Ads campaign, Cybertegic is the best digital marketing company in Pasadena. Increase your online sales by showing your products on Google search and display network.


Google Ads Help