Google Analytics 4 Now Supports Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Google Analytics 4 Now Supports Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the latest version of Google’s web analytics platform, has recently announced its support for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). This integration brings enhanced tracking and analysis capabilities to websites utilizing AMP technology.

With AMP gaining popularity as a way to improve mobile web performance, the update provides website owners and marketers with valuable insights into user behavior and engagement on their AMP pages. 

In this article, we’ll explore the significance of this development and its potential impact on website analytics.

Integration of GA4 with AMP

Google Analytics 4 now offers native support for AMP, enabling website owners to track and analyze user interactions on AMP pages more effectively. With this integration, marketers and analysts access comprehensive data on user behavior, conversions, and engagement metrics specific to AMP content. It can help businesses optimize their AMP pages, understand user preferences, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their website performance.

Benefits of the Integration

The integration of GA4 with AMP brings several benefits to website owners and marketers:

  • Seamless Tracking: GA4 integration eliminates the need for additional tracking tags or scripts on AMP pages. Website owners can now rely on the native tracking capabilities of GA4 to collect accurate data without any manual implementation.
  • Unified Data: By incorporating AMP data within the GA4 reporting interface, website owners can consolidate all analytics data into a single dashboard. This unified view provides a holistic understanding of user behavior across AMP and non-AMP pages, enabling comprehensive performance analysis.
  • Enhanced Insights: The integration enables the tracking of critical AMP metrics such as page views, bounce rates, time on page, conversions, and more. These insights empower marketers to identify areas for improvement, optimize content, and enhance user experience on AMP pages.
  • Cross-Platform Analysis: GA4’s advanced machine learning capabilities allow marketers to analyze user journeys across platforms, including AMP, mobile apps, and websites. This comprehensive analysis helps identify trends, uncover user preferences, and optimize marketing strategies.


Integrating Google Analytics 4 with Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) gives website owners and marketers an enhanced understanding of user behavior and engagement on their AMP content. With seamless tracking, unified data reporting, and valuable insights, businesses can leverage this integration to optimize their AMP pages, improve user experience, and drive better results.

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