Google Launched May 2020 Core Update

May 2020 Core Update

On May 4, 2020, Google announced its new update, much to everyone’s surprise — the May 2020 Core Update. And while most updates settle quickly with the search engine algorithm, this one seems different. In fact, Google warned that the update might take weeks before it finally settles. Until then, this means that we will experience some serious ranking volatility and search fluctuations.

May 2020 Core Update Announcement

As usual, Google didn’t reveal the changes the new update will bring to the search algorithm. It is also unclear whether their decision to roll out a new update during this time has a connection to the pandemic and how it affected the users’ search behavior. But this didn’t stop SEO and digital marketing experts from learning the changes brought by the May 2020 Core Update.

Ranking Volatility

The main reason why search results have become volatile these past weeks is that it may take some time for Google to roll out the changes to the algorithm globally completely. Another thing that can cause the constant change of ranking results is that multiple factors are changing as the update is rolling out.

Ranking Volatility
Graphic chart from RankRanger

It might take two more weeks before the search algorithm finally settles. So don’t try to make massive changes for your site, because your rankings might have dropped. Wait until the update is over, and then check if your ranking has indeed been affected by the update. By then, you can start to strategize your next SEO plan.

Fluctuations in Local Search Results 

According to Search Engine Journal, there have been several reports that showed notable fluctuations in the local search results. In fact, a local SEO researcher and writer tweeted a graphic that showed the influx of local type search results.

Local Search Fluctuations

Affected Industries

Core updates can cause changes in the algorithm that can have a strong effect on certain industries. As stated earlier, core updates can affect factors like how the search engine bots understand the search user intent, and how it reads web pages to check its relevance to search queries.

SEMrush has reported the industries that have been affected the most by the May 2020 Core Update. These industries have noticed a significant drop in their organic positions.

Affected Industries
Graphic Chart from

Thin Content Losing Rankings

Thin Content
Photo Source:

Aside from the ranking volatility and local search fluctuations, there have been multiple reports that thin contents have been losing their ranking positions.

Some experts say that this is Google’s way of showing their preference to thick content, and their distaste to thin content that offer little value to search users.

Quality and Relevance

Quality and Relevance
Photo Source:

Google has always stated the importance of creating quality and relevant content, especially if you want to rank higher on organic search results. Relevance is also considered as the most important factor for content to show up in Featured Snippets.

Experts say that with the new update, marketers should create content that can satisfy search user intent. There have also been reports that Google now prioritizes the relevancy of a site over its quality.



If you have noticed a significant drop in your website traffic and your keywords ranking positions, then it is best to wait until the full update is done rolling out before making any changes to your site. In the meantime, it is best that you reevaluate your SEO and content marketing strategy to cater to the possible changes the May 2020 Core Update may permanently cause. And as Google suggested, the best move marketers should do during these core updates is to improve their content quality.

If you need any help in improving your content marketing and SEO strategy, feel free to talk to one of our experts at Cybertegic, the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles.