How SEO + Social Media Can Bring Internet Marketing Success

Search engine optimization and social media marketing, when practiced correctly, can bring positive results to a company’s internet marketing campaign. While social media search is quickly becoming an effective search method, it doesn’t necessarily mean that SEO is dead because of it. With the multitude of internet marketing strategies available to companies, SEO and social media marketing are just two of the tactics one can use. SEO and social media marketing should not be pitted against each other, but rather they should work hand in hand to create a bigger brand presence on the Internet.

Here are some reasons why search engine optimization and social media are the perfect combination in bringing internet marketing success for your brand.

1.       Natural links – It has been reported that in March 2011, Twitter alone was generating an average of 140 million tweets per day, 25% of which contain links. More and more users are using Twitter to get information such as breaking news and product reviews. Promoting links and content to Twitter encourages your followers to check out the content and pass along the links in the form of a “reTweet”. On Facebook, one of the metrics to determine a brand’s success is the number of “likes” it has. Sharing content on Facebook is, in reality, a better measure of a brand’s social media success.

2.       Traffic – Social media networking sites can act as a teaser for the content you want to post. By posting a snippet or the first paragraph of your newly-produced content on your Twitter or Facebook page, you encourage them to visit your blog or website for them to be able to read the entire post. This in turn, will lead to better conversion compared to having them just visiting your social media page.

3.       Brand presence – With many social media profiles, brands can gain increased visibility especially on search engine results pages. With the recent algorithm updates, search results now include Facebook Pages, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles that add to a brand’s online presence.

By combining SEO and social media, you can create a more powerful internet marketing strategy than you can ever imagine. There is no need to separate the two because with SEO and social media, there is nothing to gain but positive results for your online marketing campaigns.


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