How to Check if Your Website is Mobile-Friendly

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Google has started their mobile-first indexing for their search engine algorithm, which means that Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites compared to websites that aren’t. So if you have a mobile-friendly website, you have more advantages than your other competitors to show on top of Google’s SERP. If you want to know how to check and make your website mobile-friendly, this article will help you.

Here are tips on how to check if your website is mobile-friendly. These tips are summarized by the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles, Cybertegic.

5 Ways to Check if Your Website is Mobile-Friendly

1 – Use Google Webmasters Tools for your website usability.

Sign up and log in to your Google Webmasters Tools account. After you have connected your website to your Google Webmasters Tools, go to Search Traffic, then Mobile Usability. After the tool analyzes your website, you will find any mobile issues your website has and steps on how to fix these issues.

2 – Don’t use Flash elements on your website.

Take note that Flash-based content and elements are not mobile-friendly. If you want to include any animations on your website, it is highly recommended to use other technology like HTML 5. HTML 5 is mobile-friendly and also enables animations on your website.

3 – Your website shouldn’t block any Javascript, CSS, or image files.

Your website won’t be indexed properly if it blocks any Javascript, CSS, or image files. So make sure that your website allows Google bot and other search engine robots to enable any Javascript, image files, or CSS to be retrieved.

4 – Use mobile-centric 404 pages.

Make sure that your website’s URLs will open on both desktop and mobile devices. Check any 404 or error pages on your website and make sure that they are redirected to working pages. The same thing should be done for your mobile URLs.

5 – Use a standard font for the content of your website.

Remember, fancy fonts on your website will take time to load on mobile devices. That’s why it is important to use standard fonts for your content for your website’s mobile pages. Aside from that, make sure that the font sizes scale properly within the viewport so that mobile users won’t need to zoom in to read the content of your website.