How to Improve Your Email Click-Through Rates

Email Tips

When it comes to their email marketing campaign, marketers are usually concerned with the open rate. But there’s another important metric they should consider, which is the click-through rate. This metric reveals how many subscribers have clicked a link or CTA in your email. To explain it simply, it gives you the number of customers engaged with your email. This is why it is highly important to improve your email click-through rate.

According to Mail Chimp, the average email click-through rate is 2.91%. However, if your email campaigns are getting lower click-through rates than the number stated above, improvements in some of the aspects of the email need to be made.

Below is a quick guide on how to improve the click-through rates of your email campaigns. These tips are listed by Cybertegic, a digital marketing company in Los Angeles

  1. Use one call-to-action per email.
  2. Create a sense of urgency.
  3. Personalize your emails.
  4. Make sure your emails are mobile-optimized.
  5. Choose action-oriented CTA copy.
  6. Make them curious.
  7. Write engaging headlines.
  8. Add a video to your email.
  9. Deliver content that your audience wants.
  10. Use attractive visual images.

1 – Use one call-to-action per email.

When creating an email, marketers’ most common mistake is adding multiple call-to-actions. However, the more CTAs you have in an email, the less likely your audience will engage with one of them. Adding too many links or CTAs to your email may overwhelm your subscribers, which leads to lower click-through rates for your email campaign.

The best thing to do is add only one CTA in your email to get optimal click-through rates. This way, your audience or subscribers can focus on taking a single action.

2 – Create a sense of urgency.

As social beings, humans usually have a fear of missing out. It is when they perceive others as able to experience better things than they are. You can use this feeling to influence your subscribers to immediately click on your email’s CTA.

You can incorporate this strategy by creating a sense of urgency in what you have to offer in your email. For example, if you have a discount promotion, you can develop a sense of urgency by adding words like “now” or “today.”

3 – Personalize your emails.

Personalization on your email makes your subscribers feel they received a message specially written for them. It creates a connection that leads to higher click-through rates.

Include the subscriber’s name in the email, and the message should be tailored to what you know about your subscribers. Doing so helps them keep their interest in your brand as you’re offering them something they would want to know more about.

4 – Make sure your emails are mobile-optimized.

According to reports, 85% of users access their emails using their mobile phones. If subscribers can’t read the email on their mobile phones, they will surely unsubscribe to your newsletter list. So make sure that your emails are easy-to-read and accessible from any device. Pick an email template that is mobile responsive.

Mobile responsive emails will make your email readable on desktop and mobile devices. They are designed to scale to fit the screen size without changing your email’s layouts or font style.

5 – Choose an action-oriented CTA copy.

Creating a call-to-action for your email should include a word that encourages people to take a specific action. Instead of using a generic copy for your call-to-action, such as “click here,” you can use action verbs instead.

Here are a few examples of action-oriented copy you can use for your call-to-action button:

  • Get
  • Learn More
  • Reserve Today
  • Shop Now
  • Submit 
  • Start Today
  • Watch
  • Read

Adding this action-oriented copy will make it easier for you to influence your subscribers to take action.

6 – Make them curious.

Humans are psychologically built to be curious. And you can use “curiosity” as leverage in your email campaign to encourage your subscribers to click through on your emails.

Offer a free mystery prize with a purchase. To find out what it is, subscribers must click the call-to-action button, redirecting them to your landing page.

7 – Write engaging and attractive headlines.

The headline of your email campaign is the first thing subscribers will see when they open your message. So it should be able to grab the attention of your subscribers.

Create a headline that encourages your subscribers to read the rest of your email. Use specific numbers and data, as well as unique rationales like “reasons,” “tips,” and “secrets.” And when they read your email content, they are more likely to click the CTA button.

8 – Add a video to your email.

People love videos. They are fun to watch and easy to follow. Videos make it easier to engage your subscribers and pique their curiosity.

While your subscribers can’t play videos in their inboxes, you can add a thumbnail image of the video and a play button to boost click-through rates.

9 – Deliver content that your audience wants.

If one of your email campaigns had a high click-through rate, it is possible that your subscribers liked what it is in the email. Your subscribers’ preferences should be your reference when measuring what works best in your email.

Remember that your subscribers will only read your email if they are interesting enough. Look at the past email campaigns you’ve sent, and see which emails got the highest click-through rates. Use the same layout and design, and see what elements work best together.

10 – Use attractive visual images.

Use attractive visual images to grab the attention of your subscribers. Photos can also help them click on your call-to-action, especially if you use the right visual elements.

Adding photos to your email should be relevant to the content and help make an appropriate point. An excellent image for your email should be able to catch a subscriber’s attention and what your email has to offer.


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