How to Increase Website Page Speed

site speed

Did you know that more than 50% of internet users expect a website to load within two seconds? And if your website doesn’t load within three seconds, most of these users will likely leave. This is how important your website page speed is. In fact, according to experts, every second of improvement on your page loading time can increase your conversion by 2%.

Here are few tips on how you can increase your website page speed as listed by the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles, Cybertegic:

  • Minify Javascript, CSS, and HTML codes.

Remove any unnecessary comments, whitespaces, and empty elements on your website coding. Use code minifiers for your Javascript, CSS, and HTML codes.

  • Reduce image sizes.

Reduce the size of the images on your website. You can use tools to optimize image sizes and upload pictures with JPEG file type.

  • Minimize URL redirects.

Minimize any HTTP redirects from one URL to another. This cuts out the additional RTT (round-trip time) and waits time for users.

  • Check the website for 404 URLs.

Continuously check your website for any broken links or 404 URLs since this can badly hurt your website loading speed. This is because broken links are considered wasteful requests.

  • Reduce DNS lookups.

Make sure to reduce the number of unique domain names from which your web resources are loaded. This will reduce the amount of DNS resolutions that a user’s browser has to make.

  • Enable browser caching.

Enable browser caching for your website. Upon doing so, it will allow users who visit your website to load its elements from the browser’s cache instead of from the server.

  • Compress HTML and CSS files.

Compress your website’s HTML and CSS files using Gzip Compression, one of the most popular methods. Using this can reduce the original file size from around 50 to 70%.

  • Consider using a CDN.

CDN or Content Delivery Networks use web servers distributed worldwide to deliver the content for your website more efficiently. This helps your website load faster.