How to Use Instagram for Your Business

Instagram has grown into an effective marketing platform for businesses to reach their market using visual content. If you haven’t tried using Instagram as part of your marketing strategy, then you are losing a great opportunity.

Today, we at Cybertegic, one of the best digital marketing companies in Los Angeles, will tell how you can improve your business using Instagram:

Use effective hashtags.

Instagram users now can follow hashtags, which means that they can now keep tabs on visual content by typing hashtags alone. Use this as a new means to improve your strategic approach. Try to use targeted hashtags and expand your brand awareness by using branded tags.

Upload stories.

Instagram Stories has been a success update for the app, doubling the number of its daily users from 150 million in January 2018 to 300 million in December 2018. Instagram even focused on the Stories feature by adding Stories Archive and Highlights functions. Now, Stories content can be kept indefinitely and be displayed on your profile, maximizing its use.

Have a clear visual strategy.

Instagram is all about visual content. So it’s better to have a clear visual content strategy as early as now. Consistency is the key to building your brand through your images. Make sure to focus on posting creative and imaginative photos to boost your Instagram performance.

Send DMs.

According to a statistic report, more than 300 million people use DM in their Instagram each month. With this data alone, DMs create an opportunity for marketers to interact with their followers and audience. It is also the best way to connect with social media influencers.

Go on Instagram Live.

Instagram Live has been added with new features to make it more appealing to the users. One of these added features is the “Live Guests” option, which allows users to go live with another user. This has been used by influencers to collaborate with other influencers and is considered an effective way to reach more audience. Marketers can also use Live Guests to feature these influencers in their own Instagram Live.