How to Write Content That Brings Conversions

content marketing

Hubspot reported that in 2021, 82% of marketers are investing in content marketing. Furthermore, 60% of these marketers said they generate demands and leads from content marketing. But how can one create content that brings conversion or traffic to your website?

Here are tips on how to write content that brings conversion to your website from the top digital marketing company in Los Angeles:

  1. Bring answers to typical consumer questions.
  2. Create and write relevant content.
  3. Make your content easy to understand.
  4. Be an expert and authority in your industry.
  5. Use emotions to bring readers in.
  6. Back up your content with facts and testimonials.
  7. End your content with the perfect call to action.

1 – Bring answers to typical consumer questions.

Online users go to Google to search for answers and look for information. If your content can give them what information they are looking for, they will remember your brand. So when writing content, start by listing down the most common questions your target audience asks about your product, service, or industry. Answer these questions as an expert in your industry and share them online.

Keep in mind that Google Search is primarily built to index content and show the most relevant content to their search query. You have to make sure that the information you’re giving to your readers is factually correct.

2 – Create and write relevant content.

Relevance is the most critical factor Google considers when ranking website content on their search results. Only include information that is relevant to the topic in your content. If it genuinely appeals to the reader’s needs and issues, that is the only time your content will bring conversion.

Content relevance focuses on its usability and how helpful the contents of your topic can be for consumers. It all boils down to your content’s ability to help search users decide or complete their goals.

3 – Make your content easy to understand.

Your content must be clear, straightforward, and easy to understand to cater to all types of consumers — increasing your chances of making a conversion. While you might be tempted to display expertise by adding jargon words to your content, your readers will only be confused by them. Remember that you are writing for your reader, and for your content to be effective, they must understand it completely.

Here are marketing expert tips to help you write easy-to-understand content with structure:

  • Introduce the topic of your content.
  • Use headings to identify the important parts.
  • Use bullet points to segment parts of your content.
  • Add visuals to help your readers further understand your points.
  • Include references from well-known sources to back up your content.
  • Use a professional but friendly tone when writing your content.

4 – Be an expert and authority in your industry.

Aside from avoiding the use of jargon words, you can show your brand’s expertise and authority in the industry by simply providing the correct information to consumers through your content. Remember that the way you write your content will affect how search users think of your brand. So you need to set the tone of your content from the first article you publish.

Always consider your brand identity and target audience when setting the tone. The voice doesn’t have to be all technical and professional. It can be friendly but informative. 

5 – Use emotions to bring readers in.

Using people’s emotions is the most effective way of encouraging them to pursue a goal or do something. Instead of just writing content that makes people feel, write material that urges readers to desire something. This increases your chances of turning them into customers by simply telling them why they need your product or service through the use of relevant content.

Use certain emotions that drive them to desire the object you want to sell without doing a sales pitch. Here are three emotions you can use in your content:

  • Self-improvement – People always want to be the best in the things they do. So writing content about how to improve themselves while incorporating your product or service can bring in conversions.
  • Fear of Missing Out – This emotion has been a great motivator used by advertisers and marketers for years. Fear of missing out on most people can elicit the desire to want or have something they don’t because everyone around them already has one.
  • Peer Pressure – We live in an online social-conscious world. Peer pressure comes in when everybody is experiencing and engaging in things that you aren’t. This can be a compelling marketing force you can use in your content to drive people to check what you have to offer.

6 – Back up your content with facts and testimonials.

People prefer reading content backed up with facts as they increase the content’s credibility and give a good impression of your brand. Doing so also helps your articles be recognized by Google as they include links coming from credible sources. Furthermore, readers are more likely to be convinced that your business is legitimate if they see you interacting with websites or brands they recognize.

Aside from facts, you might also want to consider adding customer testimonials to your content. Search users are likely to trust a brand with reviews from other consumers. In fact, according to, 67% of online consumers are influenced by online reviews. So use those good reviews you have from your current and previous customers to attract new leads through your content.

7 – End your content with the perfect call to action.

No matter how great your content is, it won’t convert if it doesn’t have the “right” call-to-action (CTA). The “right” CTA means adding one that goes well with your content. For example, you must use a different CTA if you want readers to sign up as a subscriber to your email list. Use a different CTA if you want them to visit a product page or a specific landing page on your website.

But remember that every link you put into your CTA or call-to-action must be relevant to the phrase itself. Don’t ever put a CTA for the sake of click-baiting a reader to go to a page you would like them to check.