Keywords for Humans or Google?

Keywords are meant to make our lives a whole lot easier. We always know in our minds what we’re looking for. We just need keywords to tell the search program what it is that we are searching about. We simply type the name or description of what we’re searching and when we find it – GOOD, the search engine helped us solve our problem.However, that is not the case sometimes. Many times, we do several searches before we find what we want to find. Sometimes, we settle for something close to what we need. And from time to time we just quit by taking that the information, solution, thing, or person just isn’t there.Well, I believe that generally, when you think that something just doesn’t work your way, more often than not, it’s because you haven’t mastered it yet. That same rule applies online.

The makers of the search engines are always thinking about humans. There are real human beings working behind what we know as Google, Yahoo, MSN and a bunch of others. The search engines are helping us so why not help them also. I suggest that we meet them halfway and train ourselves to think as far as what and how technology can see information.

As a user, you really should do your search properly. Be SEO aware. Be specific. And if you see any form of abuse that you think they should know about, go ahead and let them know about it. So that the search engine programmers, search engine optimizers and webmasters may know how and what information will be served or delivered here on the internet.

As a search engine optimizer and search engine marketer, get as far away from black hat procedures and spend more time in understanding the guidelines.

As far as I’m concerned search engines are succeeding in bringing together all the millions of information via search results without you leaving your seat.

A keyword is your tool to access the information you need. To achieve solutions to different problems you use different keywords. The right keywords bring about the right solutions.

Let us help each other, e.g. by subscribing only to good, useful, valid and non-deceptive information, so as to make the internet a better place for everyone.