Less is More - SEO 101 Part 2

It is important that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is done with both humans and robots in mind. Search engine spiders see web pages differently than humans do. A Person may quickly appreciate images and moving graphics on a web page. As with a robot, spidering a page for example, unless it sees an ALT tag that describes what the image is about, that image will not mean anything.

Googlebot only reads as much as 100KB of a page that it crawls and would basically not go beyond that point even if there are equally important information located at the bottom. People, on the other hand, focus immediately on the main part of a page – usually the center column. Spiders crawling a page will see and read the left column part before it reaches that section. To make sure that the full page is crawled, it is wiser to get javascript programs out of the HEAD section and into either separate, or single external file. Doing this will avoid pushing the more important contents further down the page.

Displaying images as thumbnails is a wise alternative also. Large images tend to increase the loading time of a page. Most people will not be patiently waiting for a page to load fully before they can browse it. Adding a link to a page dedicated to viewing a larger version of an image is a strategy done by many experts. Furthermore, making sure the images are preloaded with external script of whatever programming language the website was designed for, i.e. JavaScript or PHP, is a must. Also, try experimenting on different format versions of images, i.e. saving images in a .GIF file extension makes it relatively small in file size compared to saving it as .JPG.

As for ranking, optimizing the home page with one or two keywords is more effective. The home page, looses the focus in targeting higher search engine rankings on the main keyword by placement of several more terms into it. After optimizing the main page, the creation of content-rich landing pages that focus on one targeted keyword each will help increase the website’s visibility in the search listings as well and more often than not – even better.

Using background images on web pages should be a well thought off plan if it can’t be helped not having them. The contrast between text that is intended for a visitor to read and the background figure should be well balanced. Choosing the wrong matching colors for fonts and backgrounds could badly affect conversion rates on an otherwise would be successful website.

The bottom line, the best search engine optimization or SEO practice is the most effective one in achieving success in all areas:

» Higher Search engine rankings for driving the best amount of targeted traffic to the business website.

» Professional looking design to easily attract vast amounts of available web traffic.

» Increase conversion rates as opposed to causing an increase on bounce rates.

I hope this will help beginning and professional search engine optimizers, webmasters, and internet marketers. For more learning click here. If there are more views you would like to add to this post, please feel free to comment.

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