Managing SEO Providers - From A Client's Point-of-View (Part I)

SEO providers often face difficult clients, which can sometimes cause discord among the two parties. Little do we know that even SEO clients themselves, have a hard time managing their search engine optimization providers. Bad relationships between clients and SEO providers often arise from miscommunication – not being able to politely communicate what each side wants and expect from the other. For clients, conflict with SEO service providers can harm the business not only in terms of unsuccessful search engine optimization campaigns, but also in terms of revenue, rankings, and profits. To avoid having a scarring experience with a difficult SEO agency, take control, be an efficient and smart client to ensure that your SEO efforts and experiences are positive.

Guillaume Bouchard of Search Engine Watch shares five ways on how to have a good working relationship with your SEO provider, while at the same time protecting your investment and rankings.
1. Educate your SEO service provider. While your goals for your brand are clear to you, this may not be the case with your SEO provider. It is important that the SEO experts you hire understand your business. As a company, you might already have your own revenue model and strategy and it is important that you are on the same page with your SEO provider. Once this happens, it will be easier for the chosen SEO provider to devise a tailored search engine optimization campaign that will fit your business.
2. Define SEO KPIs in advance. Different companies have different means to measure an SEO campaign’s effectivity. Once you have identified the various metrics to which an SEO campaign will be measured, it is essential that your SEO provider understands this so they can create a strategy around those expectations and needs. From your point-of-view as the client, it will also help determine whether your SEO provider meets your standard as you can easily measure the SEO ROI.

3. Have an SEO gatekeeper to monitor the projects and facilitate cohesion between these projects. The SEO gatekeeper will act as a kind of project manager and will deal with mapping the progress of your SEO campaign and bridging the company and the SEO team in terms of updates, new products & pages, as well as developments in the website.
Other ideas include knowing the SEO stakeholders within the organization and protecting and maintaining SEO momentum. How these factors will play a part in the management of SEO providers will be discussed  in the concluding part of this series.
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