On-Page SEO Tips for 2021

On-Page SEO Tips for 2021
Photo Source: Alexa Blog

On-page SEO is a crucial part of your overall SEO campaign. It helps Google search engine bots crawl your web pages and index what the content is all about. If you have no idea how to start your on-page search optimization, then this article can help. Here are five on-page SEO tips for 2021 that you can follow, as suggested by the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles, Cybertegic.

1 – Optimize your meta-title.

Your web page’s meta-title is one of the first things search users will see in the search engine page result. When writing a meta-title, make sure to include a keyword and your business brand. The title should also be interesting and engaging for online search users.

2 – Write a clickable meta-description.

Never write a meta-description only for the sake of having one. When writing a meta-description, think of writing an excerpt that summarizes your web page content while not giving away everything. Include target keywords and a call-to-action to push the search user to click on your website’s link. Also, keep the content of your meta description under 156 characters.

3 – Make readable and engaging content.

When writing content for your landing page, you should make it readable and engaging. By readable, we mean skimmable. You can do this by featuring bullet points and H1 tags (such as H1, H2, H3, H4) in your content to divide sections.

4 – Improve your website’s speed.

Your website speed is one of the main factors that increase your organic search ranking. One of the easiest ways to improve speed is to compress the images on your website. If WordPress is your platform, you can use a plugin called Smush to compress all your pictures.

5Optimize your rich snippets.

Another way to improve your website’s SEO is to add schema markup. Schema markup can help search engines understand the topic of your web page. It can show reviews, authors, and site links in the search results, and you can use JSON-LD and Google Tag Manager for this. As for websites under WordPress, you can use a plugin called WP SEO Schema plugin.