Search Engine Optimization Tips: Top Five Free iPad Apps

Despite what we’ve seen and heard about Apple’s iPad, the reality is that more and more e-commerce merchants are using this tool as a handy compliment to their business Aside from using the iPad for taking notes during meetings or for reviewing a website, the iPad proves itself to be useful search engine optimization campaign. Search Engine Watch’s Greg Habermann shares five free search engine optimization-friendly iPad apps for your business.
1. Quick SEO Site Review App. This iPad app provides quick access to PageRank, links, page size, load time, metadata, header tags, age—it basically gives you all the high-level stats you need from a website. Check it out at
2. Google Analytics for iPad. According to Habermann, this app has an impressive touch interface for reports generated from Google Analytics. This is ideal for a quick presentation to clients on their top keyword or for running a search engine optimization report. Habermann further notes a cool feature of this app—double tapping on a report will bring it up full screen so your clients can see better. This app is free for the Lite Version but it offers more advanced features for only $6.99. Check it out at
3. RavenTools. The RavenTools app is a useful companion especially if you have the RavenTools account. It helps you quickly build a dashboard with modules for review. If you need to view the actual report, you can simply “drill” into it. You can also send an e-mail and do research. Habermann adds another time-saving feature of the RavenTools app—once you are logged in, you can access all the websites in your account. Check it out at
4. WordPress for iPad. We all know about WordPress, which is one of the more popular blog servers around. The specially customized WordPress for iPad allows you to do basic WordPress tasks for several blogs—all in the convenience of your portable gadget. Check it out at
5. VNC. The VNC server is ideal as a back-up plan for when you forget an important file stored in your desktop and you’re miles away from your computer. The Mocha VNC Lite allows instant access to a desktop even if its miles away from its owner. In addition, the VNC also serves as a workaround for when you need to view a Flash website from your iPad, which would be otherwise impractical. Check it out at
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