Selecting Pages for SEO: 6 Helpful Ideas (Part II)

Previously, we discussed the importance of selecting the right pages that would match the keywords chosen for your SEO strategy. We started off with owning the brand name and other related keywords, researching the most viewed pages, and finding out what pages are already ranking for the chosen keywords. Knowing which pages to build links for is essential for any successful SEO campaign. To finish this two-part series, here are the final 3 ideas that can help you choose which pages to optimize for SEO.
4. Keywords should match the content. Simply put, the content wherein you choose to put the keywords should be relevant not only to the brand’s business goals but to the keywords themselves. One question that should be asked is if this page would eventually convert into sales. As a helpful note, vary the keyword phrases for each page and stick to a set of 2-3 keywords per page. Variation means rewording the keyword phrases so as not to sound bothersome but still conveys the same thought.

5. Know the competition. Every business is a competitor and it is important to know who you are up against. Competition should likewise be considered when selecting pages for SEO, especially those competitor pages that utilize the same keywords you do. Keep in mind that if they are clearly ahead of you in some keywords, you might want to back away from using the same keyword phrases; whereas if they optimize certain keywords or phrases which don’t necessarily rank, this may be a good opportunity for you to maximize.
However, remember that not all competitor keywords are appropriate for your own business. Make sure that selected keywords are still relevant to your brand; otherwise putting so much time and effort into optimizing keywords that do not necessarily relate to your brand is a waste of time, money, and effort.
6. Finally, when you’ve finished matching pages to the selected keywords, double check that these pages are fully optimized for search engines to index. When it comes to SEO, it is very important to track these pages so you know which ones are effective. Page views and inbound links are some factors you can track to see if the pages are performing well in the SEO competition.

As long as SEO efforts are managed correctly, positive results can be seen in just a month. With a solid SEO strategy, it won’t be long until increased brand awareness and visibility and sustainable traffic happen.


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