Social Media Spotlight: Finding Success in Facebook Ads (Part I)

Now that more businesses are realizing the value of social media marketing, they are investing in Facebook and Twitter to engage users to participate in the various activities and promotions they are cooking up. Facebook, the largest social networking site to date, has launched Facebook Ads wherein businesses promote their own Facebook Pages, maximize their tools, and build communities.

With Facebook Ads, businesses can control the budget they spend on internet marketing – choosing between CPC and CPM and adjusting budgets anytime they need to. states that 22% of small businesses have used Facebook Ads and among these businesses, 65% say they would like to use it again.

However, Facebook Ads is not successful for everyone who has tried it. A staggering 70% says that Facebook Ads did not help them acquire new customers. So what would it take for small businesses to find success in Facebook Ads? Leyl Master Black of Mashable offers 5 helpful ideas that can help small businesses find their way to success in Facebook Ads.

1. Goals and plans should be set accordingly. Facebook Ads allow users to customize the type (Sponsored Stories or Facebook Ads) and story type (Page-Like Story, Check-In Story, Page-Post Story, or Page-Post/Like Story) to help small businesses reach their specific objectives. Explore the different options available to help you decide which one is best for your business. Users can opt to build awareness, drive traffic, promote a specific event, or generate sales using Facebook Ads.

2. Be creative when targeting your audience. Not only are Facebook Ads users allowed to customize the type and story type, but they can also specify the demographics of the target audience. Everything from age, sex, location, education level, and interests can be specified. Very specific audiences can also be targeted. The Marketing Bit founder Sheila Hibbard states that a small but effectively targeted audience is better than a large general audience with disinterested consumers.

Incorporating social media marketing as part of any internet marketing campaign is the standard nowadays, with social networking sites constantly updating their services to please not only social media users but small businesses as well. From Foursquare check-in discounts to Facebook Ads, everyone is participating in the social media hype. Tune in next time as we finish this two-part series on how to be successful in social media marketing via Facebook Ads.

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