Statistics That Will Convince You To Invest in SEO

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Search Engine Optimization is one of the most important long-term marketing strategies you can use. There’s so much potential marketing value with SEO, and as a trusted digital marketing company in Los Angeles, Cybertegic can help you understand why you should be investing in it.

Here are seven statistics that will show you why investing in SEO is going to be good for your business.

80% of Internet Users Use Search Engines

There are over two billion people on the Internet. According to data from the World Bank, over 78% of the US population make use of the Internet or 234 million people. With such a huge potential for conversions, making your website, more SEO friendly can be a big help.

90% of Online Experiences Begin With Search Engines

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A whopping 90% of people online make use of search engines to look for products and/or services. Only 10% go directly to websites. So making sure that your site is indexed for search engines should be a priority if you’re looking to improve your traffic.

18% of Organic Clicks Go to the First Link in the Search Results

This is where SEO starts to get interesting. Almost 70% of people don’t go to the second page of search results, and on the first page, there’s going to be stiff competition for the first position. 18% of clicks go to the number one entry in a search. With that being said, investing in SEO is going to be one of the best ways your company can get the improved traffic.

40% of Customers Come From Using Search Engines

The Google Logo.

Aside from being able to drive traffic to your website, 40% of people using search engines do so to buy something. If your site is the first that they see in the search results, you can secure more potential customers.

Now that you have the numbers, it’s up to you to take advantage of these statistics for your SEO marketing campaign. For more information on the value of SEO or if you’re looking to start your own digital marketing campaign, check out!