Title Tag Writing

The TITLE tag, is an important part of a webpage. It is your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) frontliner. Your TITLE, is the line of text that a user sees on top of the browser that he or she used to load your page. And, it is also the hypertext line that people see, along with other sites’ TITLEs, in the search results. It is like the name tag of your page. It may not be the same words you use to brand your web site’s theme. It is more relative to the keywords that you wish to target.

So the question is: how can you make your TITLE work for you?

To BE a search result you need a good TITLE. Once you get there you need to grab the eyes of the person who is searching. After that, you need your TITLE to say “Click me!”.

Try to remember the following whenever you are composing your TITLE tags:

1. Do your best to avoid using stop words, e.g. to, the, for, your. Search engine spiders have no use for these words so you can get them out of the way. For a list of stop words click here.

2. Don’t forget to include your main target keyword in your TITLE tag. Relevance is the easy street. Tie your TITLE, meta tags, and body text/salescopy together with same or relevant words, i.e your page’s target keyword.

3. A well-written TITLE tag that follows 1 & 2 can definitely help with getting a higher ranking. One that contains your target keyword with little or no stop words at all.

4. Once you’ve done 1 to 3, ask yourself “Will I click on this?”. If the answer is somewhat on the doubtful side, it only means you’ll have to re-write it. YES, re-write it! You must write attention-grabbing lines in order to get that highly-coveted click. The click is your goal, remember that too.

It’s really easy once you get the hang of it. Always remember to focus on your targeted keyword for the page/s you’re working on.

The more irrelevant words are in your TITLE, the more it would be difficult to rank high.