Top 10 Web Design Trends for 2020

Web Design Trends 2020
Photo Source: Creativ Digital

Have you seen Twitter’s dark mode? How about Facebook’s new and sleek homepage look? It is usual for big websites to change their web designs from time to time. 

Web design trends are always changing. And websites need to incorporate these latest trends to look modern and updated. Like what marketing experts say, web design can help build a good impression on your customers.

This is why for today’s article, we outlined the top 10 web design trends for 2020 that you can apply to your website:

Mixing Photography and Graphics

Mixing Photography and Graphics
Photo Source: Zhenya Rynzhuk

Mixing graphics with real-life photos create an eye-catching and memorable visual. This is because graphics can add charm to a bland product image. The combination adds more personality to your website’s design. 

Real photographs combined with graphics and illustrations helps communicate a personalized message about your brand. This helps your website stand out from the rest. 

Mixed photography and graphics designs work well in fashion industries, including branded clothes and accessories. Check out this modern look from Legend London, a fashion brand that sells high-demand products at affordable prices.

Mixing Photography and Graphics

Minimalist Navigation

Minimalist Navigation
Photo Source: Clint English

Since visual content is your chance to impress users, less text happens to be the new trend. Navigation has to be simpler to accommodate hand-held devices such as smartphones and smartwatches.

Minimalistic navigation also contributes to faster page speed. It also accommodates users with smaller attention spans, because it takes away the complexity in its usability. This lets users spend more time moving around the website, instead of wondering what each element is about. 

Minimalist navigation creates a better user experience, which leads to better conversion. Take a look at Vegan Kitchen’s website, for example, its minimal navigation immediately pulls your eyes to the CTA button, “Where to Buy.” It’s very simple and straightforward.

Minimalist Navigation

Immersive 3D Elements

Minimalist Navigation
Photo Source: GG Marmont Gucci

3D designs are created to give its viewer a sense of realism. And this is something users expect in our digital age. Thus, expect to see a lot of 3D web designs this year from static to interactive. 3D motion designs will make your website more engaging than ever. While static 3D models will be more realistic and will have shapes and colors.

And since 3D designs are more engaging, they encourage users to stay longer on the site. It also steps up the interaction between the user and the site, which can significantly reduce the bounce rate.

3D web designs are perfect for websites in industries such as technology and video gaming, where immersion is very important. Take ProLock’s website, for example, it gives customers a 360° view of their product with a hold and drag option.

Minimalist Navigation

Black-and-White Minimalistic Design

Black-and-White Minimalistic Design
Photo Source: Hi-Rise Builder Developers

Black-and-white or monochrome designs are smart and classy. They also happen to be timeless. In fact, black-and-white web designs are always included in each year’s design trends. 

However, in 2020, this design trend will be more minimalistic and will feature large typography. You will also see black-and-white designs featuring a spectrum of grayscale, creating modern aesthetics that are very pleasing in the eyes.

Black-and-white minimalist websites also load faster, which is an important advantage if you want to rank on top of Google SERP. They also give a clean and professional impression to online visitors. Plus, this web design trend fits an array of industries, from photography and online gallery to portfolios and news sites.

Black-and-White Minimalistic Design

Leveraging White Space

Leveraging White Space
Photo Source:  Alex Capellan

White space has always been an important web design principle. But we’ll see it grow more prominent this year. Solid white space frames give designs more structure and allow visual elements to stand out more.

Leveraging white space on websites with full-bleed layout gives clear framing to the stability of their design, which creates a perfect foundation for their visual elements to stand out.

White spaces are used by designers to boost the marketing impact of their design so that viewers can focus their attention on the product or brand. This web design is mostly used in different industries, but you can often find them on websites that offer wearable products such as watches, jewelry, and other fashion accessories.

Leveraging White Space

Oversized Typography and Elements

Oversized Typography and Elements
Photo Source: We Shoot Bottles

Prominent elements, such as large texts, allow websites to communicate more clearly and instantaneously. Enlarged elements also happen to be more eye-catching, which helps visitors understand what the site is. Using oversized typography makes sure that your message will truly register and resonate with online visitors.

The hottest web design typography today is bold, uppercase, or monochromatically colored with an outline. But when applying this design, just make sure that all letters are correctly sized on all devices.

Oversized typography and elements scream of attention, which makes them perfect for businesses with personal brands. Look at Barney Funk Popcorn’s website, its moderately sized red font gives its viewers a powerful message.

Oversized Typography and Elements

Luminous Color Schemes

Luminous Color Schemes
Photo Source: MASER

We’ll be seeing more bold and daring color pairings. Luminous color palettes combined with darker shades make web designs pop out. On the other hand, futuristic bright neon colors accentuate important elements in your design and are visually appealing.

One application of this web design trend is duotone themes. These web designs feature bold futuristic neon colors over bland colors to create eye-catching visuals.

Websites with luminous color schemes and palettes evoke a glowing aesthetic that makes them unforgettable. This makes them perfect for businesses that are related to digital services. Ukon Systems, for example, features luminous palettes that take the viewers’ attention to the crypto coins reward they offer.

Luminous Color Schemes

Modern Retro Web Designs

Photo Source: Forefathers

The 50s and 60s design styles are a huge source of inspiration for many web designers. Elements that remind us of black-and-white photos, dust, and noise will be present this year, as well as modern steampunk.

Another thing about modern retro web designs is that they offer a fresh look. While most websites strive to look cool and futuristic, websites with the modern and retro theme are different. This sets them up apart, making them memorable.

Retro web designs are very appealing that they are often used in online shops, restaurant websites, portfolios, and blogs. Check out All Star Lanes’ website, for example, which gives off a timeless vibe.

Hand-Drawn Illustrations

Photo Source: SixDesign

Hand-drawn artwork gives emotion to web designs, and visitors find it appealing. Imperfect hand-drawn design elements inject emotion and humanity into websites.

This website design trend also gives off a feeling of authenticity and creativity, making them eye-catching. This trend also features unique design elements that show off brand personality, making them stand out from other web designs.

Hand drawn web design makes a website more inviting for users to navigate. They are perfect for businesses that target children and artists.

Dark Mode

Photo Source: Kukuhaldy

Dark mode aesthetic is so popular now like Twitter and Facebook Messenger’s dark mode. Dark colors are also better for OLED screens as they save power and extend lifespans. Plus, design elements tend to pop out more with dark backgrounds. It also improves your website’s ergonomics by reducing eye strain.

Also, the dark mode happens to work well with other web design trends. For example, luminous color schemes and a dark mode can create a stunning futuristic look.

Dark mode designs emphasize visual content and enhance emotional branding. It also improves usability, making them a hot choice for big websites such as Netflix, Apple, Prime Video, Spotify, and Twitter.


To sum it up, 2020 will bring a diverse list of website design trends. From the classic black-and-white minimalism to eye-catching luminous color schemes over dark mode, you will have an array of choices for your website.

And if you need help with your website design, you don’t need to look far? Cybertegic, the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles, can help you! Call us and discuss your web design plans with one of our experts.
