Using Content Marketing and Its Benefits for SEO

Content marketing is basically creating unique and fresh content that will help build your brand online and increase its visibility. As a verified inbound marketing strategy, content marketing can bring great benefits to SEO campaigns. Now that social media marketing has become an important factor in determining website rankings, delivering fresh content and publishing it on social media websites has also become an effective strategy to take advantage of these new algorithm changes. For SEO campaigns that focus on content marketing, Chad Politt of Business 2 Community lists a few benefits you can expect.

Fresh content, meaning frequently updated content, is one of the main factors search engines look for when crawling for websites with value. In line with this, fresh content also helps a website’s rankings in SERPs. In terms of Google Panda’s latest algorithm changes, websites that do not offer valuable content to its consumers are penalized while websites with value-added content are rewarded.

Content marketing also makes keyword phrases more competitive. Because there is content that allows new long tail keyword phrases to be introduced, websites have increased chances of ranking for particular keyword phrases especially if these keywords are incorporated in a content’s title, body copy, and alt text. Chances are increased for blogs that are constantly updated, with new articles posted at least three times a week.

Website traffic will soon witness an increase as unique visitors are led to the website with quality content that is frequently published. In terms of SEO, search engines tend to rank websites with increased (and relevant) traffic higher.

Outbound links will also increase, which Politt calls “Backlink Magnetism”. Unique visitors who are impressed with the content marketing practiced by the brand will soon link bank to the blog or website, which in turn would make the site rank higher in search engines. When it comes to link building, nothing comes close to creating valuable content to attract relevant backlinks. Social media profiles will also have increased fans or followers, raising the credibility of the brand to both its followers and search engines.

Finally, Politt states that with quality content being visible on social media platforms, this will drive users to additionally make the content viral, causing it to be visible on search engines as well.

As with other SEO strategies, content marketing does not happen overnight. It needs to be followed through to get results. With content marketing, leaders and experts will be born, creating a loyal customer base while also increasing a lot of brand advocates.


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