Why Selling on Amazon is A Good Move For Your Business

amazon marketing tips

With Amazon continuously growing every year, more and more business owners see the potential it can bring to them. Amazon Marketing also slowly adopted by marketers in the past years. If you’re still not sure whether this online retail giant is the right channel for your business, then this article will help you decide.

Here are five facts as to why you should consider selling on Amazon this 2021:

Amazon has more than 150 million app users in the United States.

According to Statista, 150.6 million mobile users used the Amazon App in 2019, making it the number one shopping app in the United States. Amazon app is then followed by Walmart, with only 76.45 million users. With over 150 million users, you can use Amazon to reach new audiences and increase your business sales.

Online customers trust Amazon over other shopping platforms.

In a report by Feedvisor in 2019, 89% of buyers agree that they are more likely to buy on Amazon than any other shopping or e-commerce platform online. By having an e-commerce platform and an Amazon store simultaneously, you can increase the chance of online users buying from your brand.

Amazon has a membership program with 150 million subscribers.

According to VentureBeat 2020, there are 150 million Amazon Prime members. Amazon Prime is a paid subscription for users to avail of special benefits such as fast-day free shipping, music streaming, and video streaming. By having an FBA on your Amazon store, you can reach Amazon Prime members to become your customers’ thanks to its fast-day free shipping.

4,000 items are sold on Amazon every minute.

A report published by Amazon in 2019 stated that 4,000 items are being sold on Amazon every minute. And more than half of these items sold came from small-to-mid businesses, proving that you can grow your sales through the site. You can start your own store, list your products, and use Sponsored Ads to gain new customers. If all of these seem overwhelming, you can hire Amazon marketing specialists to assist you.

There are 1.9 million sellers on Amazon.

As of 2021, Market Pulse reported that there are 1.9 million sellers actively selling on Amazon. And if you’re not one of them, then you’re probably missing out on a lot of sales. Amazon is the best marketplace to reach customers that prefer buying items online through Amazon than in e-commerce stores.