Why You Should Speed Up Your Website

From time to time, Google confirms that a website’s loading speed is one of the main factors that can affect your SERP ranking. This is the reason why experts strictly recommend that business owners should hire developers to improve their website’s loading page speed.

But why? Check out these reasons why you should speed up your website’s loading speed A-S-A-P:

  • Loading affects traffic.

Experts say that if a website doesn’t load under four seconds, one out of four people will leave immediately.

  • Mobile users dominate the web.

There are more than six billion mobile users around the globe, and this statistic tends to grow yearly as more people prefer to use the internet on their mobile devices than on their computers.

  • Mobile phones load pages slower.

More than half of users expect websites to load on their mobile devices as quickly as on their home computers.

  • Errors and downtime can lead to a loss.

It is said that less than 50% of users who experience downtime or errors on a website aren’t likely to return at all.

  • Speed tells a lot about your website’s performance.

Online shoppers consider loading page speed as one vital factor in assessing a website’s performance. 80% of those users who are dissatisfied with website performance are likely to leave and never buy from the site.

  • Slow websites leave a bad impression.

More than 40% of online users will tell their friends and family members about a bad experience online, which leaves bad impressions on your behalf.

  • Slow loading speed can cause a loss in conversion.

Every second of delay in your website can change a customer’s purchasing decision. According to RobotForce.com, if your e-commerce website makes $100,000 a day. A slow-loading website can cause your business to lose around $ 2.5 million in sales each year.


Need to hire a professional web developer from the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles, to speed up your website’s loading speed? Feel free to ask or talk to our experts at Cybertegic.com.