LinkedIn Now Adds Automatic Captions to Videos

LinkedIn Now Adds Automatic Captions to Videos
Photo Source: Digital Information World

LinkedIn has released an update that upgrades video content with automatically generated captions. This new feature is designed to help people with accessibility needs.

Automatic Captions to Videos

With the new automatic captions, LinkedIn’s goal is to make videos in the feeds more accessible to those who have a hard time hearing. It is also designed for people who prefer to watch videos with the sound off.

The new update will automatically add captions to videos during the upload process. This means users can immediately choose to implement their captions, review them, or edit them for accuracy.

Linkedin will also release a high contrast mode to their mobile app that will adjust the colors to help people with visual disabilities.

New Accessibility Features 

Aside from the new add captions to videos in Linkedin, the platform will also introduce a few accessibility-focused features to user profiles and job postings. These features include:

  • Accessibility Job Titles

Users in the accessibility industry will now be able to choose a standardized title on their profiles. Linkedin has added titles such as accessibility engineer and accessibility designer.

According to Linkedin, this new feature is designed to help workers in the accessibility industry get discovered by recruiters looking for their skills.

  • ‘Dyslexic Thinking’ for Profiles

Linkedin has partnered with Made BY Dyslexia and Richard Brandon to launch Dyslexic Thinking, a skill user can add to their profiles.

Linkedin research shows dyslexic thinkers can often simplify complex products and tasks and see connections that other experts may miss. This new skill can help users showcase that disability can be viewed as their strength as an employee.


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