The Benefits of Messaging Apps for Online Businesses

Did you know that messaging apps actually have far superior open rates compared to email campaigns? According to HubSpot, the open rates for messaging apps were 80%, compared to email with just 33%. This means that messaging app marketing is an effective way to maximize user engagement.

But that is not just only one, there are several benefits that messaging apps can give to your business and online marketing strategy. 

Let’s check them out: 

  • It reaches all your subscribers.

In messaging apps, you can send messages to all of your subscribers without depending on your email provider’s algorithm or fee. This does not only save you money but also widens your audience reach.

  • It has a broad target audience.

Similar to social media channels, messaging apps are used by people of all ages, thanks to smartphones. With this in mind, you can spread brand awareness without having to choose which age bracket you want to target, like when creating ads.

  • It facilitates direct communication.

Through messaging apps, companies can directly communicate with their customers without any public involvement. This can help in boosting customer satisfaction and makes it easier for companies to share relevant information with their customers through a private message.

  • It has a low unsubscribe rate.

Compared to email marketing, the unsubscribe rate for messaging apps is under 1% on average. This only proves that messaging apps tend to attract users or subscribers that are tremendously loyal to the brand.

  • It features a user-friendly format.

Similar to texting, messaging apps can store conversation history in a user-friendly format. This allows users to easily backread or check previous messages from the brands they follow.

  • It makes great use of notifications.

In smartphones, notifications from messaging apps always appear on the home screen, unlike in emails or other social media channels. This allows you to immediately converse and communicate with your subscribers in real-time.


Want to know how you can start advertising using messaging apps? We at Cybertegic, the best digital marketing company in Los Angeles, offer WeChat Marketing, which can help businesses to reach their target market effectively. Talk to one of our consultants to get a free consultation.