YouTube Will Disable Hidden Subscriber Counts

YouTube Will Disable Hidden Subscriber Counts
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YouTube adds a new update to fight creator impersonation, and this is by disabling the option to hide subscriber counts. This means that YouTube has now stopped allowing content creators to conceal the number of subscribers their channels have.

Hiding the number of subscribers in channels has become one of the ways spammers succeed at impersonating other channels, especially when they leave comments. By not allowing content creators to hide the number of subscribers, users can identify which channels are real or not.

Aside from impersonation, comment spam and identity-related abuse are top issues YouTube wants to work on with future updates. Concerning these, YouTube is releasing updates to help protect its viewers and creators from comment spam while making it harder to impersonate creators.

Here are the three updates YouTube is rolling out:

  • Disable hidden subscriber counts
  • Stricter comment moderation
  • Limits the use of special characters

Disable hidden subscriber counts

Before, channels could hide the number of subscribers they had. However, this has been causing an issue as some creators use it to impersonate. Following the update, channels will no longer be able to hide the number of subscribers on their YouTube channels. This way, scammers won’t be able to abuse the option to hide their subscribers.

Stricter comment moderation

YouTube will now allow channels to automatically hold comments for moderation before they are published for all to see. This auto-moderation feature will allow creators to increase strictness and detect potentially inappropriate comments or spam.

Limits the use of special characters

Another update will limit creators from using special characters in their channel names. Spammers usually use special characters when impersonating established channels.

To avoid these impersonation attempts, YouTube will reduce the characters creators can use when updating their names.


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