8 Best Practices for Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

8 Best Practices for Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

In this highly competitive digital world, businesses of all sizes and industries are striving to increase their online presence and attract more customers. Landing pages have proven to be effective in driving traffic and converting visitors into leads or customers. A well-crafted landing page can significantly impact the success of a marketing campaign, but creating one that converts can be challenging.

For today’s article, we will give you eight best practices for creating high-converting landing pages that can turn visitors into loyal customers.

1 – Define Your Goal

Defining your goal is the first step in creating a high-converting landing page. With a clear goal in mind, creating a focused and effective landing page becomes easier. It could be generating leads, increasing sales, building brand awareness, or any other specific action you want your visitors to take.

To define your goal effectively, you must identify your target audience, understand their needs, and determine the action you want them to take on your landing page. Moreover, setting clear and measurable objectives can help you track the success of your landing page and make data-driven decisions to optimize it. Keep in mind that a clear and focused goal can help you create a more effective landing page that drives conversions.

2 – Keep it Simple

Keeping your landing page simple is crucial to its success because it helps visitors focus on the most important elements and take the desired action. A cluttered or confusing landing page can overwhelm visitors, causing them to leave without taking any action. A simple landing page, on the other hand, can create a clear and engaging user experience that guides visitors toward your goal.

A case study that proves that the simplicity of a website can increase conversion rate is Crazy Egg’s redesign in 2020. Crazy Egg updated their website with a simpler and cleaner design, which reduced visual clutter, optimized the website for speed and mobile responsiveness, and made it easier for users to understand the product. As a result, Crazy Egg saw a 30% increase in conversion rates and a 21% increase in free trial sign-ups

Prioritize the most critical information on your landing page and eliminate distractions that don’t serve your goal. Use a clear and easy-to-read font, avoid using too many colors or complex design elements, and keep your messaging concise and straightforward. By focusing on simplicity, you can create a landing page that is easy to navigate and encourages visitors to take action.

3 – Use Strong Headlines

Your landing page’s headline is the first thing visitors see when they visit a page and can determine whether they stay or leave. A strong headline captures visitors’ attention, communicates the value of your product or service, and entices them to read more. A strong or clear headline can prevent visitors from losing interest or failing to understand your brand value.

According to a study conducted by Backlinko in 2021, headlines that use emotional or powerful words, such as “proven” or “surprising,” have a 7% higher click-through rate than headlines that do not.

To write strong headlines, it’s important to be clear and specific. Use concise and simple language that is easy to understand and emphasizes the key benefit of your offer. Also, make sure that your headlines are consistent with the rest of your message and accurately reflect what visitors can expect from your landing page.

4 – Include Compelling Visuals

Visuals can communicate complex ideas quickly and effectively and create an emotional connection with visitors, which makes your page more visually appealing. High-quality visuals can capture visitors’ attention and guide them toward your goal. In fact, according to a study by HubSpot, 32% of marketers say visual images are the most important form of content for their business, followed by blogging (27%) and video (26%). 

Select images that are relevant to your offering and complement your content. You can use visuals to create a hierarchy that guides visitors toward your CTA and draws attention to key elements of your page. You can also use visuals to tell a story or showcase the benefits of your offering clearly and compellingly.

5 – Write Clear and Concise Content

Clear and concise content communicates the value of your offering and persuades visitors to take action. Visitors often scan landing pages quickly, so it’s a must to communicate your message clearly and concisely, and understandable.

According to a study by Nielsen Norman Group, users only read about 20% of the text on an average web page. This means that website owners have a very limited amount of time to communicate their message. The study also found that users prefer concise and scannable content that is easy to understand and navigate. 

When writing content, focus on the benefits of your products and services. Avoid using jargon or complex technical terms and prioritize the most crucial information. You can use short paragraphs and bullet points to break up your copy and make it easier to read. Use active voice and clear, benefit-focused headlines to communicate your message effectively. 

6 – Use Social Proof

Social proof can help establish credibility, build trust, and persuade visitors to take action. Social proof includes customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies. Visitors are more likely to trust the opinions of others who have used your product or service, making social proof a powerful tool for increasing conversions.

It’s essential to choose testimonials or reviews that are specific, relevant, and credible for social proof. Use design elements that highlight social proof, such as star ratings or customer logos, to draw attention to these elements. Using social proof effectively establishes credibility, builds trust, and increases conversions on your landing page.

A/B testing platform Visual Website Optimizer ran an experiment to test the impact of social proof on conversion rates. They added a simple customer testimonial to their pricing page, which resulted in a 34% increase in conversions compared to the original page without the testimonial.

 7 – Make Your Call-to-Action (CTA) Stand Out

Your CTA is one of the most critical elements of a landing page because it is the primary way visitors take action and convert into leads or customers. A strong and effective CTA can help guide visitors toward your goal and increase the likelihood of conversion. 

To make your CTA pop out, use contrasting colors, bold fonts, or other design elements to draw attention. In fact, a study by Hubspot found that having a contrasting color for your CTA button can increase conversions by up to 32%. 

Another tip is to place your CTA in a prominent location on your page, like above the fold or at the end of your copy, to make it easy for visitors to find. Additionally, use urgency or scarcity phrases to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and encourage visitors to take action.

8 – Test and Optimize Your Landing Page

Testing and optimizing your landing page is essential to improving its performance and increasing conversions. Testing involves making changes to your landing page and measuring their impact on key metrics, including click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates. This process can help you identify which landing page elements are most effective and which areas need improvement.

According to a recent study by Econsultancy, companies that perform A/B testing regularly were 30% more likely to report higher conversion rates. By testing different website elements, such as headlines, images, and CTAs, website owners can identify what works best for their audience and improve their website’s conversions.

Use A/B or multivariate testing to test variations of your landing page, such as different headlines, visuals, or CTAs, and measure their impact on critical metrics. Test one element at a time to ensure you can accurately measure the impact of each change. Use web analytics tools to track visitor behavior and identify areas of your landing page that may be causing friction or confusion.


Creating a high-converting landing page requires a combination of design, copywriting, and testing. By following the eight best practices outlined in this post, you can create a landing page that achieves your goals and drives conversions for your business.

If you’re looking for a reliable digital marketing agency in Los Angeles to help you create and optimize your landing pages, look no further than Cybertegic. With years of experience in digital marketing and website development, Cybertegic can help you create landing pages on your website that drive results and achieve your business goals.


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Neil Patel

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